Thick Brush Stroke

Breastfeed on demand.

Thick Brush Stroke

If you're bottle-feeding, try to feed your baby at regular intervals

Thick Brush Stroke

Don't worry if your baby doesn't finish every bottle.

Thick Brush Stroke

 Don't be afraid to supplement with formula if needed.

Thick Brush Stroke

Change your baby's diaper every time they have a wet or dirty diaper.

Thick Brush Stroke

Use a diaper cream or ointment to protect your baby's skin from diaper rash

Thick Brush Stroke

Gently wipe your baby's bottom with a warm, damp washcloth

Thick Brush Stroke

Give your baby a sponge bath until their umbilical cord falls off.

Thick Brush Stroke

Once the umbilical cord falls off, you can give your baby a full bath